Welcome to the Stanmore Society website

The Stanmore Society is an amenity society founded in 1959. Its aim is to make Stanmore a better place to live in and its main concerns are:

  • Promote Community Cohesion
  • Protecting the Green Belt;
  • Watching over Stanmore Common and Stanmore Country Park;
  • Vandalism;
  • Improving the quality of the environment.
  • Monitor Planning Applications
  • Support Local Policing
  • Improve traffic and parking problems
  • Work together with local organisation for a better Stanmore

As a member, you will know what is going on in Stanmore. So why not join and keep the Society going?

Single membership is at present only £12 per year via BAC,  £10 standing order or lifetime Membership 40.00

We are also now doing Business Life Membership at £50.00

We have an interesting programme of events throughout the year. Watch our web site for the latest information.


The Stanmore Society is a Registered Charity (No. 294467).
ation.The Stanmore Society is a Registered Charity (No. 294467).

Upcoming events

2024 Events Calendar is being discussed- information to follow 


See details in this link.

Afternoon Meetings

Stanmore Society regularly hold bi monthly Wednesday afternoon meetings at Oakmead Court East Lounge, Valencia Rd, ranging from talks, discussions and activities.


To find out more about any upcoming afternoon meetings visit our Calendar page.

Visitors since 9/1/2022:

Google Calendar

View events being hosted in the local area.

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Charity No. 294467. Registered with the Civic Trust