News Dear Members, This is the second of our regular ‘Members Updates’. The Committee are keen to keep you informed of what we are doing as we continue in our aim of ‘making Stanmore a better
place to live’. We hope that you have all enjoyed reading the Spring Newsletter which was circulated to you last month. This was the first of our ‘new look’ quarterly seasonal newsletters, and
you may have attended some of the events that were highlighted in that Newsletter. We look forward to seeing you at more events over the summer, in particular our annual Stanmore Summer Fete. Do look
out for details (on upcoming posters and on The Fete will take place on Sunday 30 June, in Bernays Gardens. More on this in the Summer Newsletter! We
extend a warm welcome to our new Business Members: ‘Happy Chalet Stanmore Nursery’ a home-based mini-nursery and Everest Abercorn
Restaurant - and there are more coming on board! It is a key priority to expand our Individual Membership, as well as to work with local businesses
and local organisations. We are very appreciative of the help and support from Bernays Hall, Bernays Gardens, Stanmore Library and Sainsburys. Please do encourage any family and friends who are not
yet members to join us. We are also always on the look-out for new Committee members and volunteers. If you care about Stanmore, and are interested in coming along to one of our monthly Committee
meetings (without obligation), please do let us know. We really would be delighted to see you (and we have biscuits!). An important event in April was our evening meeting about the new ‘Harrow
Local Plan’. This was chaired by our Chairman Virendra Adhikari, with Alex Dewsnap (Managing Director of Harrow Council, Viv Evans (Chief Planning Officer) and Councillor Marilyn Ashton (Deputy
Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration). There was lively Q&A from our members! We learnt that a Local Plan guides decisions on future development of the area and covers topics
such as housing, employment, shops. Harrow’s existing Local Plan is now more than 10 years old. The new Local Plan shows future development being concentrated in Harrow town centre, and restricted in
Harrow’s ‘suburbs’ such as Stanmore. We keep a watching brief on local conservation area matters and planning applications. For instance, we are currently progressing a request to the
Council for the roads of Old Lodge Way Estate to be included in the category of ‘Local Area of Special Character’ (LASC). This category is an important part of the heritage protection system.
We make written comments on planning applications and one of our committee members attends the Conservation Area Advisory Committee (CAAC) which helps the Council in managing and protecting
Stanmore’s historic environment. We are particularly concerned about what is happening with Regent House 17 Church Road: this is a listed building, possibly the oldest in Stanmore; fortunately one of
the Council's Enforcement Team noticed that work was underway, and called in to stop further work proceeding. As well as all this, we subscribe to the London Green Belt Council which is an
independent voluntary umbrella organisation for groups and individuals with a concern for protecting and preserving the Metropolitan Green Belt. We hope that you like what we are doing on the
Committee; and we thank you all for being Members and supporting the Stanmore Society. Stanmore Committee 07771 833843
We are a non-profit organisation and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to support us, please check out theContact uspage for more information.